This specific type of mailer is derived from our standard direct mail mailer, not a call-in post card, however unlike our standard mailer it offers more than one option to return the form. On our standard mailer, we only offer the option to return the form via the postal service which can sometimes take up to 10 days to receive the form back and get the lead into your hands. With this type of mailer, we offer the standard mail approach however if the client wants to get in touch with us sooner, we also provide a number in which they can reach us directly. By doing so, we can ensure that we are providing you with the freshest lead available while also providing you with the quality of the standard mailed lead. This in return gives our clients the opportunity to get in touch with an agent faster thus increasing the likeliness of a sale.
Since the form they receive is our regular direct mail “mailer” with an additional bonus of the call-in option, the cost to generate this lead is the same as our standard direct mail lead. The price then gets transferred down to your lead cost.
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