Yes, the agent submitting the application must be the lead owner. If an agent writes business on a lead they did not purchase or is missing from their account could force the lead back into the system and will be recycled as a bonus lead and another agent will contact them. To prevent this from happening all leads purchased with SFG used to submit business must be pulled from Opt!. If you cannot find the lead, before submitting the application email and for assistance.
Articles in this section
- Will DFL activity be visible in HQ?
- How often will the data be updated for placed business by the carrier?
- In terms of raises and promotions, what is the difference between snapshot and Quility stats?
- How do I access the software to fill out applications?
- Will we still be doing business in Opt! or only within HQ?
- When signing up clients, do we do so in Opt! or do we go to HQ?
- What is the Split Commission Policy?
- Can a submitted application be edited in Opt!?
- Who can answer questions regarding Advanced Markets?
- Can I have an application deleted?
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