Here are some of our social media tips + tricks:
- Use approved and high-resolution corporate logos and templates for your cover image and creative posts instead of creating your own – we have uploaded templates for social media posts on our Marketing page.
- Make sure you’re following our corporate social media accounts: @SymmetryFinancialGroup on Facebook, and @sfglife on Instagram.
- Establish yourself as a thought leader by posting/sharing Corporate blogs once a week. You can repost from our Corporate Facebook page or post blogs from our site. If you have an Owner’s Circle page, you are able to post blog links directly from your page and this way all leads from these blogs will go directly to you.
- Tag “Symmetry Financial Group” in your posts and reposts: @SymmetryFinancialGroup on Facebook, and @sfglife on Instagram.
- Avoid divisive topics (religion, politics, sports, current events etc.).
- Live out our core values online – do good things for others and be kind!
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