If you are looking to transition towards a business entity such as a Corporation, Partnership, LLC, or LLP; please complete the Change to Business Entity Form.
- ATTENTION: The switch to a business entity entails the following requirements [All of which MUST be in the business’s name]:
- Business Entity’s Insurance License(s)
- Business Entity’s Articles of Incorporation
- Business Entity’s Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Information & Document(s) [MUST still adhere to the EFT guidelines in “How do I change or update my bank account information?”]
- Business Entity’s Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Errors & Omissions (E&O) Certificate(s) [OPTIONAL]
- Full Legal Name(s) of Agent’s Downline(s) Moving Direct to the Business Entity
Once finalized, the Contracting Department will send entirely new carrier links to the agent for their appointment requests, now under the business’s name, with all applicable carriers. [NOTE: If you are a new agent still in the process of finishing your application, please just update the application itself through the Onboarding portal].
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